BIBLIOGRAFIA (comprensiva on-line) :

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Coin Archives Ancient Coins Search: Pontos and Amisos.
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Goldsborough R. - 2003 - Medusa Coins: They'll Transform You. The Celator, 6-22.
Hoover O. D. An overview of the mythology of Perseus and his appearance on Greek and Roman Provincial coinages.
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Jenkins G.K. - 1990 - Ancient Greek Coins. Seaby, London. 1-182.
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Melville Jones J. - 1986 - A dictionary of Ancient Greek Coins. Seaby (ed.), London. 1-248.
Mercatante A.S. - 2001 - Dizionario universale dei Miti e delle Leggende. Newton & Compton (eds.), 781.
Modern American Poetry Medusa in Myth and Literary History
Monstrous Medusa
Montenegro E. - 1996 - Monete di Italia antica e Magna Grecia. Eupremio Montenegro (ed.), 1000.
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Sear D.R. - 1978 - Greek coins and their values. Vol I - Europe 1-317.
Sear D.R. - 1978 - Greek coins and their values. Vol 2 - Asia and Africa 317-762. Numismatics - Gorgon or Apollo.
Tartessos La Gorgona Medusa - Un possibile mito tartéssico?
Theoi Medousa & the Gorgones.
Torrey P. Medusa.
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Villarosa F. S. - 1852 - Dizionario Mitologico-Storico-Poetico. Colavita (ed.), Napoli; 621. Ancient Coinage of Pontos Amisos.

Per il reperimento di molte figure sono stati anche utilizzati i seguenti cataloghi: Astarte, CGB, CNG, Elsen, InAsta, Kuenker, Lanz, NAC, Negrini, Rauch, Spinks, Triton.